
The Internet is Killing My Writing (and productivity in general)

Lately I've noticed that I spend much more time scrolling through social media than I do anything else.  And I'm not really doing anything on there; I'm not getting anything of value out of it.  (Obviously, I still need to go on there sometimes to work on my platform, but that's the exception.)

I've grown to hate social media because it takes so much out of me.  I scroll through it like a mindless zombie, and when I close the tab, I still feel like a zombie.  Despite this, I can't seem to stop scrolling through my social media accounts.

I'm addicted to my electronics.

As a society, we laugh at the cliche picture of a group of teenagers at a restaurant all on Snapchat.  However, we don't do anything about it.  We shrug it off and blame it on the "changing times."  Yes, times are changing, but we must use these changes for good.  God did not create us to live in a virtual world, he created us to enjoy the real world.  By talking to each other through technology, we aren't "really" talking.  (Also, let me say that I'm not against online friendships.  I have a couple of really good online friends.  I'm just saying to spend as much time face to face with people as possible.  Video chatting only counts for far away friends.)

Does anyone else notice the same thing?

So, if I seem less present on social media for the next few weeks, it's because I need to get back to work.  I need to ramp up my focus on my relationship with God, schoolwork, college applications, SAT prep, and rewriting The Clockshifter.

Okay, now please turn off your Internet and do something productive. :)

(This is probably the one time I'll ever tell someone to get off my blog.)

Let's work together to actually do something about the world's electronic addictions.


  1. Good thing Lent is in a few days - a perfect thing to give up!

  2. Good commentary! I find myself doing this as well.

  3. Agreed! This has been on my mind recently too. =) We can use social media for God's glory (like in meeting you!), but the internet can also steal us from what's most precious. Do you have tips/ideas for how we can prioritize and do something about this problem, Alea?

  4. I definitely feel the same way. Social media does make me feel like a zombie, and I've always begrudged it because it steals me away from the joy of being in the moment, even if that moment is me having some quiet relaxed time by myself.

  5. AMEEENN. I have totally stopped using social media except for my author platform (work). I couldn't agree more with you.


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